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One Of The Best Exercises For Erectile Dysfunction

Kegel Exercises (the squeeze!) Pelvic floor exercises (also known as Kegel exercises, named after the South Californian gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel) have long been performed by women for restoring muscle tone after giving birth and for overcoming incontinence, and evidence is now emerging that men can benefit as well.

Recent studies from the University of the West of England, Bristol (2004) have shown that strong pelvic floor muscles can overcome erectile dysfunction and that a sustained program of pelvic floor exercises is as effective as Viagra. They have also been shown to help men who suffer from premature ejaculation, and those who experience 'dribbling' after urinating. And they are a safer and cheaper option than drugs, without the side effects.

Experts also believe that Kegel exercises can help improve the quality of orgasm. According to the UK-based Impotence Association, the exercises may 'increase awareness of sexual sensations and enhance enjoyment.

The exercises specifically target the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a layer of muscles (commonly referred to as the PC muscle or pubococcygeus muscle), stretching from the tailbone at the back to the pubic bone in front, and is responsible for supporting the bladder and the bowel.

According to the Impotence Association, Kegel exercises work by strengthening the muscles around the penis, and by improving the blood supply in the pelvis. They also enhance the sensation of orgasm by strengthening the pelvic muscles, which produce ejaculation by their contraction'.

Finding Your "PC" Muscle This is the muscle that you squeeze in order to stop the flow of urine. It is also the muscle you squeeze to hold a stool in or to pass it out. Once you have become accustomed to tightening the muscle, Kegel exercises can be done anytime, anywhere.

Correct technique For the exercise to be effective in improving the strength of the muscle, you need to use a "squeeze, hold, release" pattern. This can be done in a sitting or lying position. Focus on squeezing the muscles for a count to five, then release and relax for 10 seconds. Repeat the squeeze 8 to 10 times, then follow this by 5 to 10 short, strong squeezes in quick succession. Repeat the slow and quick squeezes five times a day. With the slow squeezes, you can gradually build up to a hold of 10 seconds.

With consistent and regular practice, you should notice an improvement in erection strength within 4-6 weeks.

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New research shows that if a man cannot “get it up” in the bedroom… It’s NOT because of his poor blood circulation and… It’s NOT even down to his low testosterone levels… It’s something completely different than you can reverse in 48 hours with the help of a potent “erectile tonic” that stiffens you up in 2 minutes or so… Discover the potent “erectile tonic” men are taking to rapidly harden up in bed.